Modellar Plans
Plan sets by Shipyard
Plans include: • Over 16 to 18 sheets of drawings size A2 (420/594mm) scale 1:96 ; 1:48 ; 1:24 ; 1:192 ; 1:12 ; 1:2 • colorful table A3, A4 ( icludes decorations, and sculptures in scale 1:96 ; 1:72) • Translationin three languages ( Polish, English, German) • One table black reconciles white size A3 with sketches 3D of masts, yards and equpments.
SuperPlans include: • over 16 to 18 sheets of drawings size A2 (420/594mm) scale 1:96 ; 1:48 ; 1:24 ; 1:192 ; 1:12 ; 1:2 • colorful table A3, A4 ( icludes decorations, and sculptures in scale 1:96 ; 1:72) • Translationin three languages ( Polish, English, German) • One table black reconciles white size A3 with sketches 3D of masts, yards and equpments. • Cut out by laser: frames, beams, knees, bulkheads, peaces for makeing gunports Arrangement of planks on decks engrave by laser • Printed parts which stabilize frames (1 - 50 ), printed standard inside and outside planking • instruction illustrated by pictures of hull building.